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Filmer » Räddningscenter» Belize Bird Rescue, Bird Sanctuary and Rehabilitation Centre

Belize Bird Rescue, Bird Sanctuary and Rehabilitation Centre

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Belize Bird Rescue is a private Non-Governmental Organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and return to the wild of birds in Belize. If while you are in Belize you see an injured wild bird, or poorly cared-for captive bird, report it to the Government of Belize Forestry Department at 822-1523 or 822-1524. In Belize, contact Belize Bird Rescue if you would like advice on caring for your pet or wish to enter your bird into our Rehabilitation Programme. Phone: 501-822-1145 E-mail: infor@belizebirdrescue.com Website: www.belizebirdrescue.com

Publicerad av parrotjungle 2011-10-17 21:32:39



